Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Brunch will always have my back

Ode to Brunch

You are a the perfect time of the day- neither too early nor too late,
You reserve no judgments of whether to eat breakfast, lunch or even dinner.
You are a safe haven for family, friends, and lovers.

You will always find a time in my day,
A place on my map,
And a memory in my heart.

Vietnam, Hanoi
Hilton Brunch
Buffet Style
Best dish: Calamari Tomato Salad

Mt. Fuji Restaurant
Buffet Style

Beach Store Cafe
Menu Style
Best dish: TBD

Canada, Montreal
Menu Style 
Best dish: Poulet Croustillant avec des Patates 

USA vs. Canada- A Continuing Series

This blog post is to reflect on some of the differences I've experienced and learned about having lived in the US, where I lived in New Jersey and New York for 7 years and now "live during breaks" in Washington State, and in Canada, Montreal, where I've been studying for the last two years.

The topics will greatly vary, some more entertaining perhaps while others more serious. Overall, this is simply for me to observe some of the differences and look back upon them with a smile.

Winner: Canada (well Montreal)
~ Due to their bilingual nature, they actually always get my name right

Exhibit A:
Starbucks on Peel, Grande S'mores Frap


May 31- 2016
2:46 pm EST

Declined FaceTime Call

The one time that I should have NEVER declined a call. Huge regrets.
Still in the dark

- the entire spectrum of love-
Sent from me to you.

Monday, 30 May 2016

Procrastination at its Best Test


This is what I came up with:

A red, opaque, cube, small/medium size (8x8x8")
A wooden ladder, right next to the cube--- the cube acting like a step
A white, wild horse with the ladder leaning against it as well
A single flower in the horses' mouth, or 3 by the horses ear--- I was torn
A storm far far far away and non-threatening.

Analysis from test:

Not a large ego, private, relatively strong friendship bonds that are very close, preference of wild relationships, and relatively ready to have 1 or 3 children, and quite stress free.


Not a large ego, open/ transparent, friendship bonds, some strong, friends first relationships, COULD tentatively have children, definitely not wanting now, and pretty stressed due to finals but lack of care makes me less stressed and it's summer right now.

(I couldn't make the storm seem far away)


Yesterday was the first time I rode a bike in forever, having convinced myself I didn't know how to anymore, and this is what it felt like 😂 :

Saturday, 28 May 2016


What is it that makes relationships unfold and hold? Any type of relationships, familial links, friendships, sexual partners, lovers.
Overlapping interests and curiosity in each other do play a principle role, however in my experience, what makes relationships stay true and last is (delta):

1) Accepting things may change
2) Acknowledging things have changed
3) Adapting to each other's change

All things much easier said than done, believe me. I once read this from a 'clickbait' article about an extremely old and loving couple and what one of them said has prevalently stuck with me,

"We fix things instead of throwing them away."

I never want to throw things away, unless they become toxic, and I will try my hardest to fix things, unless they become truly broken. But even then, life has a way to mend and heal to better move on. I *know* they do, I believe they do.

The most significant gift a person can give to another is to be there.

Sounds simple enough, and genuinely is when you truly love the other person: unconditional love.

To be there
- to listen
- to cry
- to talk
- to laugh
- to make memories
- to care
- to understand
- to discuss
- to wonder
- to argue
- to play
- to plan
- to rely on
- to know
- through struggles
- towards happiness
- with love
- always

Change is hard.
Change is challenging.
Change is unsettling.
(Change is $$$)
Change can be distant.
Change can be breaking.
Change can be wonderful.

I miss the old times.
I miss the comfort.
I miss the casualness.
I miss the effortlessness.
I miss the banter.
I miss the endless texts.
I miss you.

I look forward to the new.
But I am also scared,
"I can't tell if it's going in a good or bad direction."
Yes, I am worried.
But, I know I love you, no matter what happens next.

Obsessive Planning

Got my whole academic life planned out

AS OF NOW- Saturday, May 28th, 11:59:03 PM, 2016

Biology Major            ---------->  Biology Liberal Major
Environment Minor    ---------->  Environment Minor
____________          ---------->  Psychology Minor

Best of all: I still can go  to Queensland (up to a year if I want!)
Everything JUST fits *.*


cbdr me rends speechless

First this:


I thought at least one of us should put it on our blogs then


Wednesday, 25 May 2016


Songs Learnt

Somewhere Over the Rainbow/ What a Wonderful World
Little Talks
Don't Worry Be Happy
La Vie en Rose
Les Champs Elysees
Giant Woman
We Are the Crystal Gems

Songs Attempted/ Learning

I'm Yours
Let her Go
How to Save a Life


Dress to Impress

Shopping is Addicting
No question about it

Shopping for business clothes
Shopping knowing that you'll never grow out of it
(height wise, width wise is another story)
Shopping for actual needs -->
Less guilt -->

[hours of shopping this past month= too much to even calculate]



Do I like the person I've become?
Some pondering being done

Who are my friends?
Unconditional love is so powerful

Why am I such a bad student?
Seriously, why, I can do some much better

Am I really happy?
Or have I been lying to myself, or so convinced that I am a naturally wired happy person, no, I am. But am I now

Where to, what, really? Love Montreal, love McGill?

Catfish and Mandala--- heavy read at times, grime travels
Make a plan, which countries to hit: Australia 200%-- is that even a question, NZ 110% yes, England 100% yes, France? (summer/winter?), Tasmania 90% yes, Indonesia/Bali 80% and it goes on (Malaysia, Japan, India, Greece, Turkey, Budapest, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Brazil) 
Why is Africa not on my list?


Consultation for travel vaccines:
"Oh, ca va prendre peut-etre une demi heure"
2.2 hours later and one tetanus shot in [25/05/2016 15:00]- still here 

Final verdict: 
1 dose Japanese B encephalitis
2 dose Havrix (Hep A)
2 dose Dukoral/ Cholera
1 dose Malaria

"You're covered for this right?"




2 shots
Bras droit: Japanese B encephalitis
Bras gauche: Havrix

Arms= sore

Bill= $4xx(k)

Monday, 23 May 2016

ants in my f*ckin pants, silverfish in my dish, and rats in my hats

we have an ant problem.

*i feel like i have ants in my hair*

silverfish are scary and b*tchin fast

UPDATE: 2 rats have been observed in the backyard


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

~drunk in the paa-a-a-rk
baby all day~

Tam-tams jams + poutines --> Wine headaches at 4 in the morning

(GOOD LOOKIN' DANIEL FORGOT HIS PHONE IN THE PARK --> kiss on the cheek for rescuing it)

Friday, 20 May 2016

100% Hipster: Beaubien/Parc= Mile Ex

M was eyeing me while we waited for the bus.
M sat next to me on the bus.
M sighed "Jesus."
I looked at him.
Saw him holding a long white banner.
Asked him: "What is that?"
M: "It's paper, for an art party."
"Oh k00l"
~~ introduction + little talks~~

M: "You should come to this party, it's kind've illegal, it's by Poisson Noir."
"Oh I think I've heard of it, it sounds familiar, maybe I've passed by it?"
M: "No, *chuckle* it's underground"
"Oh, never mind, I have no idea what I'm talking about."
M: "But yeah, you should come! Bring friends. It's mostly Concordia students and my former roommate and I are painting this garden and there are projections and lights."
"Wow, sounds super k00l, yeah I'll probably stop by!"

I did. 
I've never seen so many men with long hair at once. 
I picked up a mirror: just look at yourself, haha and a jewel.
But even better, I found friends. 

Interesting night. I did not meet my bus friend (and I probably never will). Interesting night.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Confession: monumentally lazy and lost

loss of interest
loss of momentum
loss of work ethic
loss of road trip
loss of grades

gain of self reflection
gain of acceptance
gain of understanding
gain of friendship
gain of happiness

goal of today: to get to Australia

goal of life: ...to be continued

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Mother tongues

Mundo lingo 100th Eco-Anniversary

Tonight was amazing. I met great people from all over the world, had simple and fun conversations and hope to continue with some friendships.

Tonight, I sleep with a smile on my face,
(Love you world)

Good night.


(no words needed)

Monday, 16 May 2016

Standardized Education- a rising epidemic

I am FAR (very far) from being an expert when it comes to the educational system, however, luckily enough, I have had the chance to experience it. I was extremely fortunate in two ways. Number 1) I received my education BEFORE the Common Core State Standards were implemented (2014-2015) and number 2) I had the chance to go to a Waldorf School. However, like almost every kid in this generation, I did have to go through the awfully pain-staking duty of taking standardized tests.

Simply put, I do not comprehend the Common Core State Standards.
While yes, I do understand that this will, supposedly, prepare high school graduating students better for the 'real' world and university, have the education curriculum be comparable to international standards, equalize the playing field and promote "higher- level" thinking skills, and I quote:
             "Students will no longer simply be allowed to come up with the right answer. Often times they must give an answer, state how they arrived at that conclusion, and defend it." 

Now, don't get me wrong, I do support some these goals (to varying degrees). What I do not understand however, is how this will be accomplished through standardized testing.

Standardized testing will only exacerbate stress levels of everyone involved in the education system. There will be even more pressure on students to perform well, which will in turn reflect on the teacher, and furthermore the school. From my experience, it will not help a student how to solve a problem, learn how to think, but will only test the capacity of the students' ability to take the standardized test. One of the things that worries me the most was that the Common Core was mostly developed by "academics and assessment experts—many with ties to testing companies." Another was reading that the curriculum was structured from the top grades to the bottom ones. This means the whole system is based on the wanted outcome of the student after Pre-K- Grade 12 and everything below was adjusted accordingly. While initially this may seem logical, that's just not the way, as a species, we operate.

We are humans, we grow, we move, we learn, we think, we evolve--- in vastly different ways. We aim for our goals in a forward trajectory, wherever and whatever they are meant to be.


An example of common core math that completely baffles me: 




Cream de la Crème

Mon premier Ramen,
C'était trop Ã  la crème
Mais pas sans seaweed,
Que je me sentais creamed.


~you know that time where you mention something, undecided whether you really want to explain or share what you have to say- but you say it anyways and then regret it a moment later- and then the other person continuously asks you what it was and you keep repeating sorry I shouldn't have said anything and it just keeps happening~

Yeah, you know that time.


(I just want to keep it to myself, just a little longer :)


I'll have the
1) Sunny side up eyes, scrambled brains, and bacon legs

[First bite of relief: YUM!]
[Second bite of anxiety: Was it really that good?]
[Third bite to the finish: Whatever~ It's food.]

Sunday, 15 May 2016

New Views


Seeing the views on your published posts rise is a teeny bit nerving, fun, and mysterious.

             - Anonymous

Update: After a bit of experimentation and googling, new verdict- three quarter of those views were my own.

yip!yip! inspiration

my thanks for inspiring me to start to blog

How does one think anymore?

Today I had a revelation.
I'm not as smart as I thought I was. I've become lazy, mentally.

People will 100% deny this~ once again say I'm putting myself down. But the truth is, deep inside, I've always thought that I'm smart/ intelligent/ motivated, whatever you want to call it.

But today, I realized, I don't think anymore.
      ~~~~Thinking, problem solving, logic!

I have forgotten how to think.

It's something to exercise, stretch, use.

It's something I've lost in University.
University, where information is hurled at you in every direction and dimension.
"Fake it until you make it" rings loud and clear in my position at the moment.

My brain hurts and it's time to sleep.
I have a midterm tomorrow.

...How does one do this thing called thinking?