Saturday 28 May 2016


What is it that makes relationships unfold and hold? Any type of relationships, familial links, friendships, sexual partners, lovers.
Overlapping interests and curiosity in each other do play a principle role, however in my experience, what makes relationships stay true and last is (delta):

1) Accepting things may change
2) Acknowledging things have changed
3) Adapting to each other's change

All things much easier said than done, believe me. I once read this from a 'clickbait' article about an extremely old and loving couple and what one of them said has prevalently stuck with me,

"We fix things instead of throwing them away."

I never want to throw things away, unless they become toxic, and I will try my hardest to fix things, unless they become truly broken. But even then, life has a way to mend and heal to better move on. I *know* they do, I believe they do.

The most significant gift a person can give to another is to be there.

Sounds simple enough, and genuinely is when you truly love the other person: unconditional love.

To be there
- to listen
- to cry
- to talk
- to laugh
- to make memories
- to care
- to understand
- to discuss
- to wonder
- to argue
- to play
- to plan
- to rely on
- to know
- through struggles
- towards happiness
- with love
- always

Change is hard.
Change is challenging.
Change is unsettling.
(Change is $$$)
Change can be distant.
Change can be breaking.
Change can be wonderful.

I miss the old times.
I miss the comfort.
I miss the casualness.
I miss the effortlessness.
I miss the banter.
I miss the endless texts.
I miss you.

I look forward to the new.
But I am also scared,
"I can't tell if it's going in a good or bad direction."
Yes, I am worried.
But, I know I love you, no matter what happens next.

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